
Continuous  improvement and also increasing customers satisfaction level day by day are our ultimate goals and two essential basis for succeeding in global competition. Using modern equipments which is aligned with rapid growth of technology helps EKS to always promote productions and laboratory test equipments. This makes EKS delivered products  to customers highly reliable and with desirable quality.

Quality Policy

Relying on commitment, expertise and  effective  endeavors of its employees as well as the utilization of appropriate technology and continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the management system and elimination of some non value adding activities , EKS Co has announced  its quality policy as follows:

۱- Increasing Profitability
۲- Improvement of customer’s satisfaction level
۳- Zero Defect approach
۴- Development of organizational  agility
۵- Increasing total productivity
۶- Joining global markets and export development
۷- Development of products from the point of view of both  diversity and quality
۸- Increasing satisfaction level of share holders and all beneficiaries
۹- Considering legal obligations and laws concerning quality, security and environment
Company’s management believes that  implementing  this quality policy in global competition requires efforts and contribution of all employees. So in addition to declaring commitment to this policy all colleagues are expected to assist organization to achieve above goals.

Managing Director

Address: Mashhad - Kilometer 5 of Asian highway - Postal code: 9187381723 Phone: 36514479-80 and (051) 36514390-1 Fax: (051) 36514445